Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random thoughts: 7.15.2009

*"Go Deep" by Janet Jackson is a GREAT going out song. Also her hair is hawt

*I like the British journalistic style more than the American. It's more honest and quite a bit more fun to read as the author doesn't try to remove herself from the article-- it is assumed that the author's views are critical companions to the piece itself. There also seems to be more snark and humor in the British press-- they acknowledge the inherent gossip-yness of the whole enterprise of writing and thus don't take themselves as seriously as we do on this side of the Atlantic. Maybe in a few years blogs and snark will have accomplished a similar humbling in the American press.

*A good story is nothing without strong control over the release of information. Good storytellers have mastered the art of knowing when to tell, when to keep silent and how much to tell over the course of a story's unfolding. I think I am a decent writer but I struggle with being a good storyteller.

*From The Minotaur by Barbara Vine, "It was all so remote from anything I had ever known," [Kirsten] declares of the Cosways' social rituals, "that I was defeated by it." Could just as well be a description of my social interactions at my place of employment. SO much autism and awkwardness!

*Optimism and belief in a better version of humanity is probably the changemaker's most potent tool

*Is google trying to replace the personal desktop? It seems like they're aiming to make teh personal desktop accessible from anywhere in the world as long as you have your login. Hence gmail (email), google docs (word processor), calendar (outlook), quicklinks (safari), igoogle (desktop)

*Interesting idea: "It really comes down to a confidence issue. So much of your day-to-day life really works to erode your confidence and that's another reason you need to flirt, to build up your own confidence."
I agree.

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