Monday, October 26, 2009

Generation Y? Z?

I think young people are more poetically inclined, i think-- you see it on the internet, that they really want to connect. Connection is what being alive is, they want to feel seen and, they want to create a sense of themselves and intimacy with others. My advice to them would be exactly the same, it's just to educate yourself, figure out who you are. The other really strong thing that is really needed is you need to build up your enthusiasm so that it is higher than your fear.

~Jane Compton, director of Bright Star on poetry and how to be alive as youth in our day and in that of John Keats. Makes me want to see her new film

Friday, October 16, 2009

Swedish proverb

Love me when I least deserve because that is when I truly need it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

From The Art of Seduction

Sounds about right:

Our personalities are often molded by how we are treated: if a parent or
spouse is defensive or argumentative in dealing with us, we tend to respond
the same way. Never mistake people's exterior characteristics for reality, for
the character they show on the surface may be merely a reflection of the
people with whom they have been most in contact, or a front disguising
its own opposite. A gruff exterior may hide a person dying for warmth; a
repressed, sober-looking type may actually be struggling to conceal uncon-
trollable emotions. That is the key to charm—feeding what has been
repressed or denied.